Up to Date Info About Parking in San Leandro

Intersection Daylighting CA Law: New Parking Rules Near Crosswalks (Effective 2025)
What Is Daylighting?
The new Intersection Daylighting Law (California Assembly Bill 413), which was implemented at the beginning of 2024, makes it illegal to park within 20 feet of the approach of any marked or unmarked crosswalk, even if there are no signs or curb markings or 15 feet of any crosswalk where a curb extension is present.
Why Daylighting?
The goal of the new law is to improve the safety of all roadway users by increasing visibility at intersections. Vehicles that are parked immediately adjacent to marked or unmarked crossings limit visibility of pedestrians, which increases the risk for pedestrian related severe injury or fatal collisions. Removing the obstruction of parked vehicles will allow drivers to have a clear view of pedestrians waiting to cross the street while at the same time allowing pedestrians to see approaching cars without having to step into the intersection to see past a parked vehicle before crossing.
What You Can Do.
Leave at least 20 feet, the length of one large car, between your car and a marked or unmarked crosswalk.
Replacement Parking Meters Downtown!
Out With the Old!
The City of San Leandro is actively working to remove the old parking meters in the downtown paid parking areas. This includes the installation of 34 new parking meters to replace the outdated ones that have exceeded their useful lifespan. Over the next few weeks, city staff will be removing the old parking meters and replacing them with up-to-date MacKay smart parking meter technology. The new meters include payment options for coin (quarters only!), credit card, Apple Pay®, and are integrated with the city’s pay-by-phone provider, Parkmobile.
What Do I Need to Do?
When parking in a metered space downtown, make sure you start your parking session as soon as you park your car! It’s important to set a reminder to return to your vehicle before the time expires, keep in mind you can continue to feed the meter up until the maximum time limit allowed, which is posted on the parking meter. If you find a malfunctioning meter, please report it by phone to (510) 577-3440.